Monday, September 23, 2013


That got your attention? It would me too. But the sad thing is that this is a real offer from the Utah Prison Relocation Authority Committee. They just voted on September 16th to increase the monetary offer!

And this is YOUR tax money at work!  It affects YOUR pocketbook! Wouldn’t it be nice to see this 500K spent on something else? Think about how this money could help the programming at the state prison in Draper and Gunnison. Think about how this money could help the public school system. Teachers could, and would, find a good way to spend this money!

Why is it that this committee, PRADA, is so hell-bent on rushing through all of this? To spend 800 million (again, YOUR money) to rebuild something that, in reality, is not broken, is ludicrous! The only thing I can think of is that the ones who are pushing this are builders themselves with a huge interest in this pot of gold.
Rep. Brad Wilson, R- Kaysville is challenging the committee’s “slowness”. This is interesting that he is pushing this to move faster. He is, as he said at the most recent public meeting, “a home builder”.  Is it that he hopes to add “builder of prisons” to his vitae?

Salt Lake County Mayor Ben McAdams, another member of the committee, said he has still not decided whether the cost of moving the prison is worth it to taxpayers.  Finally, someone is thinking about the taxpayers!

Taxpayers….you need to make your voice heard! Do not let this committee take money out of your pockets to pay for this position!

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